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Ignite Your Content with Social Media

Image: Mashable, Will Fenstermaker

Image: Mashable, Will Fenstermaker

The most important aspect in PR is staying relevant with the content. Social media is one of the most effective channels to spread the content. In today’s digital day and age most people access news through their cellular devices or the internet. It’s important to incorporate digital technology when creating content. Content is important because it’s a means to create consumer engagement through storytelling. Content is also what ultimately drives leads and sales. You need to put thought and structure behind the content you create.

Angie Pascale from Clickz illustrates 7 tips on how you can create strong content for social media:


  1. Know Your Audience: It’s important to get a good understanding of your audience. Analyze you consumer demographic, interests, needs, mindsets, and behaviors. You can also do industry research, focus groups, and brand surveys using social monitoring software and Facebook Custom Audience
  2. Provide Value: Your content should highlight long-term awareness and brand recall. Your brand should be with the consumer at every step till final purchase.
  3. Expand Your Conversation: Shift focus from the importance of the brand to what your brand can do for consumers. You can broaden conversation by creating content pillars that represent the brand’s core environment and its application.
  4. Look Beyond Facebook and Twitter: Create content through owned, earned, and paid methods across a variety of channels rather than just facebook or twitter
  5. Know Your Dimensions: Focus on understanding the various dimension of each channel for spreading your content and how accessible you make it.
  6. Don’t Ignore the SEO Impact: It is equally important to enhance the ranking of your content. There are several key factors to take into consideration such as lead traffic and how to generate links
  7. Measure Success: Before you begin writing your content determine the objective and metrics you will use to measure performance such as awareness, consumption, engagement, actions, and SEO impact

To read the Original Article, click here:

How To be Most Effective with Twitter In Just 10 Minutes

 Image: Mashable composite. iStock, TonySoh, Marchiez

Image: Mashable composite. iStock, TonySoh, Marchiez

Social media doesn’t always require a huge commitment. If you’re looking for a free and effective social networking platform, you should use Twitter. Aubre Andrus from Mashable shows us how you can be most effective in the workplace with simple tools like Hootsuite and Twitter Lists for your Twitter accounts. In just under ten minutes, you can launch your plan of attack quickly. Here are 5 quick steps to follow:

1. Set up your Hootsuite account.

Hootsuite is a free social media dashboard. There are others available, but this one is my favorite. Once you’ve linked your Twitter to Hootsuite, you can add streams, social networks (which we’ll ignore now) and tabs. Add these streams to your first tab: Scheduled Tweets, Sent Tweets, Mentions, Direct Messages and My Tweets, Retweeted. Simply click “Add Stream” and follow the prompts.

Image: Hootesuite

2: Create Twitter Lists.

Jump over to and navigate to your settings (the gear symbol in the upper-right corner). Click Lists > Create list. From here, curate public and private lists to organize the type of content you want to see by topic, user, hashtag, etc. Organize your lists by theme, and choose specific Twitter users to fill each one.

Be sure to create one secret “Important Connections” list that will hold all the smart people you wish to network with on a daily basis. Other list ideas include “Clients,” “Super Fans,” “Industry Leaders,” “Favorite Blogs,” “Social Media Superstars,” “Chefs I love” and the like. Get specific here.

Image: Twitter



3: Add your Twitter Lists to Hootsuite.
Create a new tab on your Hootsuite dashboard by clicking the black plus sign. Label it “Important.” This tab will be your second stop in your new Twitter routine. In this tab, click “Add Stream,” then “Lists.” From your lists, choose a few of your most pressing streams, including your “Important Connections” feed. Create a few new tabs and organize your remaining Twitter lists by topic. Four streams fit in each tab comfortably, but you can add up to 10.

4: Add #hashtag streams to Hootsuite.
Create a new tab called “Hashtags” and fill it with at least four important hashtags you follow. Don’t forget about industry tweetups that would be good for you to keep an eye on. If you’re a writer, follow the #amwriting hashtag. If you’re a fashion blogger, follow #stylechat, which is an industry tweetup. Under “Add a stream,” search for the hashtag that is relevant to your business or your brand, and create a stream. If you’d like, add relevant hashtag streams to your your themed tabs, as well.

5: Begin your 10-minute per day routine.
Log in to Hootsuite and check your first tab, which includes any mentions or tweets you’ve received. Respond to these first. Now check your “Important” tab. Like, respond to, or retweet anything that interests you from your important connections or your brand’s super fans. Now check your hashtag tab. Is there anything interesting going on in your industry? Use that inspiration to write up a few new posts. Use Hootsuite’s “auto-schedule” feature, which optimizes your posts to publish at the next high-traffic time. They’ll appear in your “Scheduled Tweets” stream on your first tab.

Practice makes perfect. The more you practice this routine, the faster you’ll get. If you use relevant hashtags, tweet interesting content, respond to tweets and retweet others, you’ll gain a following with only 10 minutes per day in no time.

For the full article visit :


Google’s “Hummingbird” Algorithm Launches: How It Will Affect SEO, Marketing and Public Relations

Recently, Google announced the launch of “Hummingbird,” a new platform of Google to make search results more accurate and easy to find. Hummingbird will ultimately return more relevant results with its “knowledge graph,” a tool that recognizes intent and maps the relationships to past searches, ultimately answering more complex search questions.

Although the implications for the future of SEO and content marketing are still unclear, Social Media Today’s Steve Rayson shares the 10 ways Hummingbird will affect future SEO and Content Marketing:

1. The future is mobile

2. Mobile will lead to greater voice search

3. More natural language and complex queries

4. Semantic search to deliver accurate results

5. Content must be helpful

6. Content must have authority

7. The SMO of SEO

8. Prediction and knowledge building

9. Links can actually be negative in a social world

10. Google Plus is the future

To read the full article click here.

How to Correctly Use Social Media When Pitching Journalists

Social media has become a huge part of today’s world, evolving not only as a way to connect with friends and family but with businesses and now even journalists.Zoe Fox, a writer at Mashable said, “Social media is a blessing and a curse when it comes to pitching journalists.”With this new tool:

Here are Mashable’s editorial team’s top 10 tips on how to professionally pitch via social media:

  1. Twitter can be a great place to reach out

2.Don’t ask a journalist you’re not following to direct message you

3.Facebook is for friends, and friends don’t pitch friends

4.Don’t follow up more than once

5.Don’t contact one journalist to get to his colleague

6.Know the journalist’s beat and the publication’s content before you pitch

7.Don’t ask for an email address that is listed on Twitter

8.Personal email addresses and cellphone numbers are not for pitches

9.A tweet reminder about the Facebook message you sent saying you emailed a pitch is unnecessary

10.Remember tweets are public; don’t mass tweet pitches to several reporters and outlets

For the full article click here:

Tips on How to Improve Communication Through Twitter

With over 1 billion people using social networks today, social media has become an extremely influential mode of communication. Knowing appropriate social media guidelines can help improve the messages you are sending to your friends and followers through statuses, tweets and photos. An info graphic by PR Daily provides nine tips to effectively communicate through tweets below:

  1. Use no more than two hashtags per tweet
  2. Avoid slang and abbreviations
  3. Don’t be afraid to use symbols
  4. Avoid capitalizing words (unless you want to look like you are yelling)
  5. Emphasis on keywords with brackets
  6. Use link shortening services
  7. Leave empty space
  8. Link your tweet to a website, blog or other social media
  9. Motivate readers to engage with your content

Check out their info graphic for more tips:

For the full article visit:

Three Unique Ways to Use Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is a great tool to share ideas and tips across the internet, but it is also an amazing tool to market a business.   Social Media Examiner’s Cynthia Sanchez recently released an article detailing the strategic ways to use Pinterest to market a business and gain influence. The following three tips encompass a winning strategy to achieving success on Pinterest and in business.

1. Increase Your Brand Authority: The easiest way to establish authority is to provide useful and educational information while promoting a brand or product. It is important to re-pin from a “carefully vetted combination” of sources to build trust and loyalty.

2. Expand Your Reach: Group boards make it easier for new pinners to collaborate with popular pinners and win the attention of their followers. Sanchez warns that a level of trust must exist between the members of a group board. Because followers have access to all the members’ pins there is more opportunity for irrelevant and unrelated posts that could lose followers.

3. Drive Traffic to Your Site: According to the article, Pinterest drives more online traffic than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined. The most successful posts combine great visuals and useful advice to solve problems. A huge following isn’t necessary to gain influence. Since pins are individual they can be shared any number of times while gaining influence.

The article also gives some great tips on using Pinterest analytics. Revisit Paramount Public Relations, Inc.’s post on Twitter Analytics for more social media tips and strategies.

Paramount PR Launches Paramount Digital, a New Social Media Marketing Division

Paramount PR Launches Paramount Digital, a New Social Media Marketing Division

Paramount Public Relations announces the launch of Paramount Digital, a new social media marketing division, to compliment the traditional PR services that we have been offering clients for more than a decade.

Paramount Digital can help meet your organization’s marketing goals if you are looking to:

  • Develop a strategic social media marketing plan
  • Set up social media accounts
  • Utilize your current social media accounts to increase brand awareness by engaging current followers
  • Increase your organization’s following
  • Use metrics to analyze your social media campaign’s success

For more information regarding Paramount Digital, contact Jessica Prah at [email protected] or 312-544-4190.