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The SEO Role PR Pros Play

PR-SEO-PuzzleA recent Cision article by Kevin Bailey stressed the importance of SEO in today’s branding world–in particular, hard links. For PR professionals, securing fantastic media placements for clients also means securing the “hard link” that comes with it.

According to Bailey, “PR pros have a huge leg up in terms of earning the hard links. They have the ability to reach top media outlets and get content assets covered—content assets that are more about solving a large problem in a given industry than they are about touting a brand and its products.”

Read more here:


9 Powerful Words For A Successful Presentation



Public speaking today is more a necessity rather than a skill. But most find this task rather daunting. As communications professionals, we are expected to have spectacular skills in delivering speeches and presentations.  We spend hours practicing or taking lessons. All you really need are these nine simple words to build a strong foundation for an effective presentation:

Have a conversation. Keep it simple. Know your stuff.

Strong eye contact and body language are basic requirements. But what really makes an effective presentation is staying upbeat and engaging your audience in a conversation.

Mike Neumeier from Public Relations Society of America demonstrates how we can be effective in our delivery as PR professionals.

Click here to read the blog post:

Paramount Public Relations is Looking for Summer Interns

Paramount Public Relations is looking to hire Summer interns from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 15-20 hours a week, or 2-3 days a week. Class credit is available. Tasks include writing press releases, calendar listings and media alerts, participating in brainstorming, updating media lists, pitching media, performing client research, and attending client events. The candidate must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program and/or have experience in the public relations field. Strong research, communication, writing and organizational skills are necessary. If interested, please send your resume to Jessica Prah at [email protected] .

Find Your Own PR Niche

Source: Mashable

Source: Mashable










With graduation just months away for most college seniors, now is a great time to begin your final career preparations. If you’re looking to land your first job in the public relations industry, begin your job search by identifying your desired niche. Look into specific areas you know you want to work in or industries or fields that best reflect your professional skill set and personality.

Alex Honeysett from The Daily Muse illustrates a step-by-step process on how you can be more effective in your PR career if you develop your niche

Considering a Job in PR? Here are 5 Signs that It Might Not Be for You

Simply put, the Public Relations Industry is not meant for everyone. PR Daily’s article “5 Signs You’re Not Cut Out for PR” completely hits the nail on the head when it comes to what kind of person is right for the PR industry.

If on the fence of whether or not you should pursue a career in PR, Scott Signore, principal and CEO of Matter Communications, points out a few warning signs that Public Relations might not be a good career path for you:

1. You receive critical feedback, well, critically.
Critical feedback is a way of PR life and professionals in this business are required to have thick skin. Even the very best piece of secured coverage can generate commentary from a colleague or client about a key message that was missed; the most successful social media campaign may result in a request for more “likes” or a greater number of followers. And that’s the results end of the campaign.

The feedback during materials development and/or project management is typically without a filter and often comes from a number of sources including colleagues, managers, and clients. Critical feedback is part of the gig, and the best you can do is embrace it, learn from mistakes, and improve moving forward.

Can’t handle it? Consider another career.

2. You think the PR job (or project) is finished.
An old and great client of mine, Jim Gustke, now the vice president of marketing at Internet phone company Ooma, once told me (wisely) that the problem with PR (and social media, marketing, etc.), is it’s never finished. PR people can always do more. And these were the words of a satisfied client—one who understood that the agency support I was providing his organization was the very best I could do under the budget, program, and business circumstances.

You may come to the “end” of a launch, or a short-term client project may be “over,” but there’s always the next thing, the higher level. You can send one more pitch, or comment on one more blog. You can spend more time prepping your spokesperson for the next interview, or spend more time following-up with a key contact.

In general, there’s always more to do and you should always be thinking of “what’s next.” If this isn’t in your makeup, you might start thinking about what comes next—after PR agency life.

3. Breaking news means nothing to you.
If you wake up one morning and realize that you couldn’t care less about what’s happening in the category in which you and your clients work, start thinking about your next career step.

PR pros are expected to embrace the energy and enthusiasm that surrounds their clients’ categories. Do you keep up with current events? Are you a voracious reader? If your answer is “no,” you really ought to consider a new line of work.

4. You have a perpetually low energy level.
Does this sound familiar: After several coffees in the morning, your pulse barely registers? If so, the career gods are waving a large red flag in your direction and letting you know to pick another path.

There’s natural and trained enthusiasm—and PR requires both. Trained enthusiasm is a person’s ability to credibly show enthusiasm for a topic without necessarily feeling the love. We’re not talking about faking it, but rather knowing how to make your client, colleague, or media target know that you are “genuinely” pumped about the latest and greatest. PR is a high-energy gig—and that’s one of the reasons why I love it as I do—and a lack of juice is synonymous with a “slow fade” from the PR biz.

5. You are educated and you’ve been trained, but you can’t talk or type your way out of a paper bag.
This likely seems harsh, but this list is incomplete without mentioning basic and solid communication skills. It should be a glaring sign to hang your professional hat elsewhere if you struggle with finding the right words to say or type.

I wouldn’t expect any of our clients to rely on a communicator who is anything less than top-notch. While such standards aren’t as critical at the start of a career, you need to reach them relatively quickly, ensuring that colleagues and clients have confidence in your ability to deliver key messages.

Get Your Foot In The Door With The Following Tips From PRSA Blogger Richard Spector That Will Make Your Resume Shine!

Public relations is all about presentation and perfection.  Your resume serves as a writing sample, not just a reflection of your employment history.  One typo or grammatical error negates your credibility as an artist of public influence through the written word. PRSA Blogger Richard Spector offers a trove of tips to whip your resume into a perfect one-page resume that will get your foot in the door.

1. Brainstorm: Take a piece of scratch paper and make a list of accomplishments. This process may take a few days but it will prove to be useful when crafting that one-page biography.

2. Feedback: Invite a second pair of eyes to review the resume and check for grammar and formatting mistakes. Make sure to not take any feedback personally, their job is to help you draft a resume to retain the limited attention span of a very harried and overworked recruiter.

3. Brag a little: You have three sentences or four bullets to capture the attention of a recruiter. Make sure to include clear and succinct talents you posses in relation to the job you are applying for. Devote the most thought into this part of your resume — it’s that important.

4. Be Brief: Keep each thought to only one sentence. If it’s longer, it’s too long.

5. The Proof is in the Pudding: What did you accomplish? It’s not enough to say that you pitched stories to the media. Where did you land those stories?

6. Research the Possibilities: Do some groundwork on the types of jobs you’d like to apply for before meeting with your friends. What keywords are employers using? Are there certain keywords all the job descriptions have in common? Make sure you incorporate these keywords into your resume along with your action verbs.

7. Divide and Conquer: Depending on where you are in your career, you should have at least four different resumes – and that’s just the beginning. After sitting with one of my friends, we determined she had enough qualifications to tailor her resumes as an office manager, executive assistant, nutritionist, art and antiques curator and bookkeeper. Considering the diversity of public relations industries and the various skills required, having many versions allows you to highlight key information for targeted jobs.

8. Rest and Reshare: Like any good writing piece, there comes a point where you have to step away from it and have a day or two of breathing space.

9. Irrevocable Damage: What’s the best way to anger a recruiter? Apply to a job that’s not relevant. One job seeker applied to so many jobs through the same recruiter (whether relevant of not) that they crashed the system every time their name came up. As a result, the resume had to be red-flagged from being opened by the recruiter. You’re much better off applying for 100 relevant jobs than 5,000 irrelevant ones.

10. Rejuvenate: You’re going to need all the strength you can muster in your job hunt. Getting enough sleep sounds like common sense – but it’s more important than you can imagine. You’ll be grilled on your resume and asked to elaborate on each point. Be sure you can explain every skill set listed on your resume. Practice with your friends and stay alert.

Consider these tips when crafting your next resume and land your dream job!

For more information about the PRSA and to view the entire article, visit or click

Social Media: The New Recruitment Frontier

In an increasingly digital world, job recruiters are turning more to social media to find potential job candidates.  In an interview with Smart Blogs, Monica Pons, head of executive recruitment for NBCUniversal, discussed how vital social media is for NBCUniversal’s recruitment.  According to Pons, NBCUniversal uses their social media to engage with possible employees and ultimately draw them to their career websites.  NBCUniversal has posted videos of what is like to work at a particular business (such as Bravo) and has even gone as far as to tweet job openings.

They don’t only utilize their own personal social media tools, though.  Pons relayed a story of finding currently hired employees solely through a search on LinkedIn.  While Pons did not comment on whether or not NBCUniversal utilizes Facebook for recruitment, she did note that recruiters are using it more as a screening tool.

“We are witnessing the blurring of boundaries between professional and personal through social media,” Pons said.  “Potential candidates need to acknowledge this new branding of the self that social media generates and adapt their profiles to the new reality.”

To put it simply, if you’re applying for jobs consider who is viewing your Facebook page and move those bar crawl photos to a separate folder.

For the full interview with NBCUniversal’s Monica Pons visit:

In Honor of Marketing Moms

While on a flight home from visiting my mom for mother’s day, I had some time to reflect about how I was born to be a marketer. It’s in my blood, literally!  After filling my childhood with memories of crafts and creativity, my mom went back to work in the marketing department of a bank.   She recently retired after a successful career in meeting/event planning and marketing. It was wonderful to see her so happy and relaxed after all the blood, sweat, tears and entire being that she put into her career.  This is after all, written for all the marketing moms out there—dads, you will get your turn next month.

Here is to all the moms and moms-to-be in my life and yours, many of whom are marketers, whether by career or by nature!   Being a mom, aunt, step-mom, etc. gives a unique perspective to any marketing program, especially since moms are often the major caregivers and decision makers in their households.

Happy mother days to all of the Moms in my life, especially my Mom! Thank you for holding the world on your shoulders all the while with smiles on your faces.

“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his.” -Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest