We have developed long-term relationships with top-tier journalists. Plus, we do our homework. We know which reporters to pitch to generate coverage and ensure that you are seen and heard across multiple platforms (online, TV, print, radio, podcasts and social media).
Our approach to a successful thought leadership program isn’t just about being seen and heard. We ensure our clients “own the narrative” to impact key constituencies—consumers, employees, industry peers, investors, analysts, and, of course, media.
From a product launch to an opening event to a news press conference to a corporate roundtable, we work with clients to plan and produce a unique and newsworthy experience. Plus, we don’t just sit back and plan; we are on-site to ensure everything goes smoothly, ready with a Plan B, C and D—just in case.
We know the importance and impact of social media and influencers and will boost your presence on the sites most seen by your target audience with engaging content, creating consumer engagement and measuring audience growth.
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