Halloween: What PR Professionals Can Take Away From the Spooky Holiday

Happy Halloween from Paramount Public Relations! Kicking off the holiday season, Halloween can provide inspiration for implementing PR strategies throughout the rest of the year. As the days seem to get shorter and the workload increases due the year coming to an end, The Huffington Post gives us four great ideas to bring PR strategies “back from the dead” this Halloween. Here are our favorite two:

1. Don’t be a zombie: Mindless zombies wander around at Halloween without a clear goal where they are going. Don’t let your PR activities turn into a zombie by not having a clear goal for how you will communicate with your customers. You need a PR strategy for your business to help target your communication to the right audience and the right publications at the right time.

Also zombies aren’t the most engaging creatures. Avoid becoming a PR zombie by engaging and building relationships with the media. Journalists are more likely to read your emails and call for interviews if they know who you are and that they can rely on you for an interview. You can start to build a relationship with a journalist by understanding what they are interested in, knowing the topics they write about, being mindful of their deadlines, getting their name right and delivering on your promises.

2. Use evergreen stories: Halloween comes but once a year! Each year there are many calendar events which the media will publish stories about such as Halloween or Christmas. From a media perspective, stories around these events remain interesting and newsworthy every year.

You can use these evergreen stories to your advantage to gain publicity for your business by coming up with a fresh new angle. For example, a business media angle around New Year’s Eve could be ‘New Year business resolutions’.

The world of PR, holidays can create the perfect tie-in to promote your brand in a timely fashion. With Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner, it is time to get into the creative holiday spirit. PPR wishes everyone a safe and fun Halloween! We hope this tips help everyone get through the holiday season J

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