New iPhone 6 Comes Out: Apple’s PR Strategy


Apple unveiled their two newest iPhones this week, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Both phones feature new enhancements such as an improved camera, better Wi-Fi connection, faster chips, a thinner body, slightly improved battery life, new video tools, and the ability to make mobile payments. The iPhone 6 Plus differs even more from the typical iPhone. With its larger screen, crossing a phone and a tablet makes it more comparable to an android phone.

Fans desperate to get their hands on the latest device crashed the Apple website last night and there is now a backorder of three to four weeks. As seen in The Huffington Post , after years of selling iPhones, why wasn’t Apple prepared for the preorders? Some say the lack of availability of iPhones is a public relations maneuver by Apple to make their product seem even more in demand.

Customers who are not yet eligible for an update can get stuck paying up to $950 for one of the new phones. Some people might not mind paying that much for a device they use every day, but Apple will come out with a bigger and better iPhone next year or possibly sooner.

For all the Apple fans out there, we recommend heading to your nearest Apple store ASAP! 🙂

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