Back-to-School: Inside the Mind of a College Student


It’s that time of the year again: back-to-school for college students., a leading textbook price comparison website, recently announced the results of a survey that reveal some fascinating habits of college students across the country. The survey shed light on five different areas of focus:  textbook purchasing habits, note-taking methods, eBooks, technology use and social media preferences.

Here are some survey highlights:


  • Nearly three in five students (57%) report paying for textbooks themselves
  • More than three in four students (77%) prefer to purchase used textbooks
  • 85% percent of students purchase textbooks online
  • Half prefer to rent and one in four (25%) prefer to purchase new

Purchasing textbooks is a pricy, yet essential, part of going back-to-school. This survey revealed that students are choosing to buy used textbooks online to save money. Using price comparison websites like is the perfect way for students to get the best bang for their buck.

Social Media

  • Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Gmail are the most popular websites among college students with a majority of students maintaining Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest accounts
  • 92% of college students have a Facebook account and more than four in five (82%) have a YouTube account
  • College students spend an average of 7.6 hours on Facebook every week, nearly five hours on YouTube and almost three hours per week on Instagram  and Twitter

Millennials grew up with social media, so it is no surprise that college students spend excessive amounts of time using these networks. The social media phenomenon has grown extremely fast and is showing no signs of slowing down. For example, when the Class of 2015 began college three years ago, social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Vine and more were relatively undiscovered or completely nonexistent.

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