15 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid- Especially for PR Pros


As social media becomes more and more integrated with public relations, PR professionals have to be social media savvy. More than 90 percent of businesses use social media- and a lot of the time, it is the PR professionals behind the brand helping create content and interact with fans.

PR Daily’s article helps point out 15 social media mistakes to avoid, perfect for those PR professionals out there helping with the daily social media needs of their clients. Are you making any of these mistakes? Check it out!

 1. Not Using Images

Visual Images are essential to driving engagement on social media websites. This is especially important because people respond better to visual images rather than plain text. According to the article, “on average, photos get 50 percent more impressions than any other post type on Facebook, as well as more likes and comments. Images used on Twitter have 200 percent more engagement than tweets without.”

 2. Not Using Hashtags Effectively

Hashtags allow readers to filter through posts, tweets, or images. They help enter a business into a conversation and trending topics while also getting more engagement with the audience. “Using strategic hashtags can help businesses find their target audiences, reach non-followers in large numbers and grow a brand’s influence” explains the article. The key word to take away from this is: effectively.  Do not overdo it on the hashtags. By inserting a obscene amount of hashtags makes a business post look like it is spam and annoys the audience. It is important to use hashtags that are relevant to the post or business.

3. Not Having a Consistent Voice or A Voice at All

There is a fine line on having a voice on social media. You want to sound human but you also want to get your message across without repeating the same post. PR Daily explains that there is a fine line. “Brands shouldn’t sound like robots. Repeatedly sending out the same messages can create ill will from consumers. The key is to find a happy middle ground where the brand’s voice is consistent, caring and human.”  It is important to interact with the audience and consumers. In fact, it is expected. Social media is interactive and consumers want to be heard.  It is also important to think about the audience when posting. Post the content that they would want to see. Give them a behind the scenes look at something your business is doing via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  This creates a feeling of connectedness between the followers and business.

Read the full article here: http://www.prdaily.com/Main/Articles/16470.aspx#

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