New York Times and other Media React to Anthony Weiner’s Latest Scandal: Too Much Bad Press to Run?

Mayoral candidate and former congressman Anthony Weiner is once again in the middle of an embarrassing sex scandal. After taking a break from politics and public life to let the last scandal blow over, this second indiscretion could be the nail in the coffin for his public support and career. Matt Wilson’s article on PR Daily about Weiner’s PR woes questions whether the politician is working for the good of the people, or just his ego.

In the article Wilson comments on the New York Times editorial that basically told Weiner to drop out of the mayoral race because of his problem with bad press. Making the same mistake twice was enough for the paper to ask Weiner to, “more or less, get out of town.”

“Mr. Weiner should take his marital troubles and personal compulsions out of the public eye, away from cameras, off the Web and out of the race for mayor of New York City.”

The current scandal once again involves Weiner’s online activity.

“Several items posted to gossip website The Dirty allege Weiner texted and had phone sex with multiple women. He also apparently answered explicit questions on the Q & A website Formspring under the name “Carlos Danger.””

However, regardless of the scandal Weiner has decided to continue running for Mayor of New York City.

“I want to bring my vision to the people of the city of New York. I hope they are willing to still continue to give me a second chance,” he said. “This is about the city needing someone, after 12 years, to fight for them for a while.”

Although he has claimed this type of behavior is behind him, time will tell whether public opinion will make or break his campaign. At this time he is confident enough to continue in the race, and will undoubtedly keep his PR handlers busy.

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