Social Media: The New Recruitment Frontier

In an increasingly digital world, job recruiters are turning more to social media to find potential job candidates.  In an interview with Smart Blogs, Monica Pons, head of executive recruitment for NBCUniversal, discussed how vital social media is for NBCUniversal’s recruitment.  According to Pons, NBCUniversal uses their social media to engage with possible employees and ultimately draw them to their career websites.  NBCUniversal has posted videos of what is like to work at a particular business (such as Bravo) and has even gone as far as to tweet job openings.

They don’t only utilize their own personal social media tools, though.  Pons relayed a story of finding currently hired employees solely through a search on LinkedIn.  While Pons did not comment on whether or not NBCUniversal utilizes Facebook for recruitment, she did note that recruiters are using it more as a screening tool.

“We are witnessing the blurring of boundaries between professional and personal through social media,” Pons said.  “Potential candidates need to acknowledge this new branding of the self that social media generates and adapt their profiles to the new reality.”

To put it simply, if you’re applying for jobs consider who is viewing your Facebook page and move those bar crawl photos to a separate folder.

For the full interview with NBCUniversal’s Monica Pons visit:

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